About.CELL Property Management family of companies started with two friends wanting to do more with their knowledge and experience in the residential property market. They knew their knowledge and experience would help others find the perfect home for them. From the conception of CELL Properties the friends evolved the company into CELL Property Management for all of your property needs.
Established in 2008
We have been and are here to help and make life better for you in this home buying, selling, or remodeling process. With years of experience and thousands of jobs we are happy to help you in this process.
Our GoalOur family of companies are here to help you in any way that we can. Our goal in this process is to make this as easy for you as possible. We want you to enjoy the process, so that you will tell others. Referrals are a compliment and we are appreciative with every single one.
Fully Insured
List of properties our company has remodeled and sold available
Backed by The Home Depot Pro Referral services
Backed by Porch
Yelp & Google approved
Backed by Angie’s List
Business referrals available upon request
List of properties our company has remodeled and sold available
Backed by The Home Depot Pro Referral services
Backed by Porch
Yelp & Google approved
Backed by Angie’s List
Business referrals available upon request